Holidays in Tenerife. How much are?


When looking for flight connections to Tenerife during the holidays, it is best to do it at least two months in advance. Cheap flights are offered by airlines such as Ryanair and Wizzair from many cities in Poland. Flights are with one change (preferably via Barcelona or Stansted) and waiting time for the next plane (already to Tenerife) is from 1,5 hours to several hours. We can find such a ticket from 1000 PLN both ways.

Tenerife apartments and villas.

Tenerife is a very popular destination for many Europeans during the summer. Therefore, when planning a vacation on the island, you should think about accommodation well in advance. On our website you will find accommodation from 190Euro for two people per week. However, you have to remember, that from May to September in Tenerife is high season and apartments or villas attractively located and at a good price, will be booked from May. When planning a vacation in Tenerife, you should look for accommodation in March and April!

Renting a car.

We can rent a car online. The prices we find are from 120 Euro for a week ( eg Ford Ka). Reservations also need to be made in advance (month, two), if we want not to overpay. Many on-site companies offer low-cost car rentals, however, it is often so, that these cars are already rented and we pay a lot more in real terms .


Tenerife is not an expensive holiday destination, which we will plan ourselves. Flight cost, renting an apartment and a car for seven days may close in 1650 PLN for one person. We set other expenses, such as meals or attractions, according to the rest of our budget. Wonderful Canarian nature, the African sun and the friendly climate on the island prevail throughout the year!