
La Palma is not a big island – only has 708 km2, however, it is said to be the steepest in the world - only on a stretch 10 km rises from sea level to height 2426 m n.p.m. (Rock of Boys). The northern part is crossed by deep ravines, which in combination with the high cliff coast made it, that it was always less accessible and less populated than the south. It is in the southern part that there are the largest concentrations of people and most of the few beaches of La Palma. The middle is overwhelmed with depression, Caldera de Taburiente, which was most likely formed as a result of the collapse of a huge volcanic mountain.



La Palma airport (phone 92241540, is situated approx. 8 km south of the capital of La Palma. At the time of collecting the information for the guide, direct and scheduled flights to La Palma from Europe were offered only by the German carrier Air Berlin ( and the Spanish airline Air Nostrum ( The other connections are mainly charters and Bintercanarias and Islas Airways flights to Tenerife (BC ok. 10 daily flights, It's ok. 7 daily flights), from where you can fly to any of the other islands in the archipelago. Chances are there are, that the number of direct flights will increase after the completion of the one year long expansion and modernization of the airport.

There is a tourist information office in the port (tel922426212, manage@lapalmaturismo; codz. 8.00-21.00).

If someone decides not to rent a car at the airport, can use the bus #8 (ok. 1 C, 20 min), which also stops in Los Cancajos on the way to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Another option is a taxi (s922440825).


Thanks to ferries from La Palma, you can get to El Hierro or Tenerife, however, one has to admit, that in the case of this island it is neither the most economical, nor the fastest way to get around.

Arms Shipping Company (n902456500, S.C. from La Palma-La Gomera-Tenerife Los Cristianos (nd.-pt. once a day; adults from 80 € return, 12-26 years 60 €, do 12 years 40 €, do 3 years free; ok. 3 time.); S.C. from La Palma-EI Hierro (nd.16.00; adults 50 € return, 12-26 years 40 €, do 12 years 24 €, do 3 years free).

Fred Olsen (»902535090, SC de la Palma-Tenerife Los Cristianos (nd.-pt. once a day; adults from 100 € return, 12-26 years 75 €, do 12 years 50 €, do 3 years free).



Just like on other islands, the only means of public transport in La Palma is by bus. Quite a well-developed network operated by the company Transportes Insular la Palma (0922411924, allows you to travel around the island and visit the most important places. Unfortunately, buses do not pass through the center of the island, near Roque de Muchachos. If someone is planning to move the main bus, should obtain a special Bonobus ticket (12 £; for purchase, e.g.. at newspaper stands), with which each ride is approx. 20% cheaper.

Bus lines

The line #1; S.C. from La Palma-Los Llanos de Aridane (pn.-pt. 21 connections; sb. i nd.

10 connections), the line #2: S.C. from La Palma-Los Llanos de Aridane (by Puntallana, The Willows, Barvolence, Gallegos, French, Santo Domingo de Garafia, Punta Gorda, Tijarafe, cupcut; z S.C. of the palm: pn.-pt. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 10.15,, sb. ind. 7.15,10.15, 14.15; z The Llanos de Aridane: pn.-pt.

6.15, 8.15, 0.15,12.15,14.15,16.15, sb. i nd, 8.15, 12.15, 16.15; it takes approx. 5 time.), the line #3: S.C. from La Palma-Los Llanos de Aridane (by Brea Baja, Small, hot spring;

z S.C. of the palm: pn.-pt. 6.00, 8.00, 10.15, 12.00, 13.15, 14.15, 16.00,, sb. ind. 8.00,10.15,, 20.15; z The Llanos de Aridane: pn.-pt. 6.00, 8.00, 10.00,, 16.00,18.00, 20.00, sb. ind. 8.00, 10.00, 12.00,14.00,
18.00, 20.00; it takes approx. 4 hours); line #1-A: Los Llanos de Aridane — El Paso (codz. 23 connections, sb. i nd. 9 connections); the line #4: The Plains of Aridane-Puerto Naos-Charco Verde (pn.-sb. 23 connections, nd. 15 connections); the line #8: S.C. from Tenerife— Los Cancajos-lotnisko (pt.-sb. 6.45-21.15 co 30 min, nd. 6.45-20.45 every hour); the line #12: Los Sauces-San Andrśs-Puerto Espinola (pn.-pt. 6 connections, sb. i nd. 4 connections); the line #21: Los Llanos-Puerto de Tazacorte (codz. 6.30-22.30 every hour).


Hiring a car is by far the most convenient way to get around La Palma, especially, that it is not such a large expense, as you might think But for driving around La Palma (due to the topography of the island, it is rather impossible to drive along and across) experienced drivers only, who are not afraid of steep climbs and sharp turns. There is no shortage of rentals - most of them can be found in Los Cancajos, Puerto Naos, Los Llanos de Aridane oraz w Santa Cruz de la Palma.

Cicar Airport Rentals (©922428048,,, Bon Voyage (©922426194,, Ancar (©922426201, fax 922426227,,

Los Cancajos Almaturist (Aparthotel Las Olas; ©922434674, fax 922434584, reservations @ aImaturist,, Cars Oasis La Palma (Cancajos Center 301; ©922434409, fax 922435076,,, Cars Orlando (.Costa Salinas Apartments; ©922181386, fax 922181386,

Puerto Naos Ancar (Hotel Sol La Palma; ©922408066,,, Auto Oasis La Palma (Avda. Maritima 27; ©922408169, fax 922408148,,, Rent-A-Car-Pemai (Avda. Maritima 25; ©922408106,